Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday, April 20, 2020

Chase had a busy day at at-home-school on Monday. He did his morning work, the Spring Prep page, handwriting practice, math and flashcards. He has two big projects due on Friday, along with a list of regular homework. He has to learn the Hail Mary prayer and send a video to Mrs. Meyer showing him reciting the prayer. He also has to do the Lego challenge. He has to either build a dream house after winning the lottery or build a rocket after being asked by NASA to build a rocket. Daddy is going to do the Hail Mary memorization and video. Mama is going to do the Lego challenge and send a picture or video to Mrs. Meyer. They also discovered that on Wednesday's Zoom call, Chase has to report on a book he's read since school stopped or a book that he's currently reading. Mama is going to start him on the book tonight, then he'll bring it to Nanaw's house tomorrow to finish it. Mama told him to make a list of all the things he's supposed to report on during the Zoom call.

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