Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Chase did well with his at-home-school today. He did a draft of his April Journal about training Nanaw on the Subway Deli game on Roblox. Then he wrote it in the notebook and drew a picture of himself and Nanaw -- it was very cute and Nanaw is going to save it. Later, as he was working on the workbooks, he told Nanaw that he shouldn't do many of the workbooks because he would learn so much and get so smart -- LOL. Supposedly he wasn't to have school today, tomorrow or Monday because it was spring break at his school but Nanaw decided it was a good thing to do and it kept him off the laptop. Nanaw pulled out the addition flashcards that he had trouble with and had him do those. Then she made subtraction flashcards for the same kind of problems and he did those. He did fairly well but not good enough not to continue to practice both the addition and subtraction. This is a good process to get him started on for when he begins to learn multiplication and division. When Nanaw took Chase home, Daddy said he might come over Friday afternoon and take Chase fishing. Chase thought that would be fun.

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