Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Once again, Chase had lots of school work to do on Tuesday. There will probably be lots of work all week because of the homework due on Friday. Chase did morning work, one page of Spring Prep, flashcards, handwriting, math, reading The Goat in the Rug and the story questions, and workbooks. Nanaw got out the older books from Uncle Doug and put them aside for Chase. There's a wonderful Thomas coloring book; tomorrow Chase and Nanaw will color in it. Chase had toasted ravioli, mixed vegetables, yogurt, applesauce and chocolate milk for lunch. Nanaw decided that Chase was playing on the laptop too much so she had him stop playing Roblox and come into the living room to read a book. She gave him one of the Dog Man books he keeps at Nanaw's house -- Dog Man -- Brawl of the Wild. Chase read for awhile before Nanaw took him home. When they got to Chase's house, Mama said Chase and Daddy didn't have to go with her to the parade for her friend's birthday. So Chase and Daddy went outside to play on the trampoline. In the evening, Nanaw made a list of activities for Chase and her to do to keep Chase from playing on the laptop for too long a time. The activities are: hockey, baseball, coloring, kinetic sand, Play Dough, Legos and Roblox figures, reading, building a Roblox game, crafts, typing game and piano lessons.

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