Monday, May 4, 2020

Monday, May 4, 2020

Chase and Nanaw had lots of schoolwork on Monday, mostly trying to get caught up with Chase's math assignments. Nanaw doesn't know how they got so far behind. They almost finished last week's work -- just a couple more pages. Then they'll start on this week's assignments. Mrs. Meyer sent May morning work so Nanaw printed out 46 pages of work. Chase had an abbreviated school day today because Daddy came over to take him fishing in Nanaw's lake. Daddy brought worms, and a miracle happened. Chase caught a little blue gill and was really excited about it. He was sitting in his chair, fishing, and Daddy said he thought Chase had a bite. Chase just sat there so Daddy told him to stand up and reel in the fish and he did. Nanaw sent pictures to Mama, Uncle Mike and cousin Robbie. Tomorrow is Daddy's birthday, and after Nanaw took Chase home, she went to get Daddy a birthday card and a Home Depot gift card. Aunt Becca is bringing Top Shooter's for Daddy's birthday dinner tomorrow night. On Wednesday night, Mama and Nanaw are going to get KFC for Daddy's second birthday dinner. Nanaw says they should both wear their black masks.

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