Thursday, May 28, 2020

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Nanaw went back to Chase's regular school schedule, which she will continue through the summer. There will be two house of school that includes morning work, spring prep, fancy pages, handwriting practice, subtraction flashcards, subtraction problems, and reading. For the reading, Chase and Nanaw went to the couch and took Chase's stuffed animals with them. Chase snuggled with the animals as he read the story, The Mystery of the Tadpole. It's the same one he read to himself yesterday. It wasn't actually a tadpole; it was the Loch Ness monster, so it was a fantasy. Today's school took place downstairs because it was cleaning lady day. Chase did his usual lack of focus and lack of concentration but Nanaw just kept encouraging him to keep working. It's fun for Nanaw to watch the wheels in his head turning as he reads his assignments and figures out what to do and what the answers are. It rained a lot today, and Chase told Nanaw they didn't have to water the plants because the rain gave them enough water.

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