Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Nanaw changed up Chase's school activities on Wednesday. He said he didn't want to do morning work and other regular stuff. So they did science experiments and reading instead. They did the experiment with the baking soda and vinegar that makes a big fizzing and bubbling thing. Then they made oobleck. The Internet says: "Oobleck is a non-newtonian fluid. That is, it acts like a liquid when being poured, but like a solid when a force is acting on it. You can grab it and then it will ooze out of your hands. Make enough Oobleck and you can even walk on it!" Chase put blue food coloring in the oobleck and made it into slime. Chase and Nanaw had fun playing with the blue slime. Then they played with the peach and purple slime that Mama bought from Walgreen's. Nanaw put hers back in the bottle when she was done playing with it, and Chase asked her to put his back in the bottle when he was done. Then he played in the sink with the fish and fishing poles. For reading, he read a story in the heavy book: "The Mystery of the Tadpole." Tomorrow, Nanaw will return to the regular school format with morning work and handwriting and subtraction practice. It's cleaning lady day so we'll do it downstairs.

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