Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sunday, May 3, 2020

On Sunday evening, after she got home from the little house, Nanaw went to Chase's house to visit and for dinner. When Nanaw got there, Chase was in the WE bar, playing Fortnite on the TV that Daddy had put out there. Mama said she thought Chase was using the Nintendo Switch. Daddy put it away, and Chase and Nanaw played with a light saber and a sword for awhile. Then they went inside for dinner -- onion burgers with cheese and onion rings. Nanaw Had Chase pretend to take a taste of her O'Doul's so she could take a picture and send it to Uncle Mike. Nanaw tried to load Fortnite on her iPad but it wouldn't work so she put it on her iPhone. After dinner, Mama, Chase and Nanaw went out for a walk in the field with the sword and two light sabers (tomorrow is Star Wars Day -- May Fourth -- May the Force be with you.) They had fun on their field adventure. Nanaw said she wanted to see the creek, and Chase said, "Follow me." He took them to a cleared out area and said, "You have reached your destination here." Double LOL. And there was the creek. It was so exciting that Chase knew where it was and led us there to the creek. E told Daddy, and he said he and Chase had cleared out some brush there so they could see the creek. Daddy has the day off tomorrow so he's going to come over to Nanaw's house at 1 o'clock to take Chase fishing.

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