Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Chase is on Easter/spring break from school, and he spent the day at Nanaw's house playing with Nanaw. For breakfast, Mama sent along Cocoa Krispies and white milk. He also had chocolate milk and a cheese stick. After breakfast, they went to Dollar Tree. Mama gave them a gift card for $5. Chase picked out 22 things -- they spent $23 + dollars. He got about ten Hot Wheels, three fruit plate dishes to play with in his kitchen, a blue bunny and a pink bunny, a toy iron, two toy vacuums, two packs of glue sticks for school, a dentist kit, and a doctor's kit. For lunch, Chase had toasted ravioli, broccoli, cauliflower, a croissant with butter and chocolate milk. After lunch, Chase and Nanaw painted the wooden hedgehog they got at Dollar Tree last Saturday. Chase wanted the Among Us game on his tablet, so Nanaw installed the necessary software on his tablet to be able to access Google Play. Chase played with the computer, his tablet, and Nanaw's tablet. Chase was really excited about the games he'd downloaded, especially the ones that blew up the earth and a city.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The first picture below is one that Nanaw took yesterday of Chase's new haircut. It's the shortest it's ever been, and Nanaw loves it. Today Chase said his friend Brady told him he didn't recognize him. LOL The second picture is Chase's classroom desk. Mama asked Chase's teacher to send her a picture of the desk so she could see how disorganized Chase is. Mama is going to try to help him with his organizational skills. The third picture is of the jelly beans Chase's teacher gave to each student in Chase's class. Chase told Nanaw he would wait till Saturday to eat them. Chase gave up candy, doughnuts and cookies for Lent, and he's been very good about it. The fourth picture is of the easy to do I Spy book they checked out at the library. Chase took it home to show Mama. The fifth picture is Chase's picture from the ICS 2026 Facebook page showing the class making Easter baskets out of construction paper. Chase showed his basket to Daddy, Mama and Nanaw when they stopped at his house after school. After school, Chase and Nanaw did the easy I Spy book and the Curious George Find book. Both were very easy so Nanaw could find things. When they were done, Chase played with his Switch. Earlier, he'd been playing Hot Cross Buns and Mary Had a Little Lamb on his recorder.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Monday, March 29, 2021

Mama sent the first picture below to Nanaw. It popped up on her Facebook page, and it's from 2016 when they were on vacation in Florida. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she asked if he had his AR book, and he said, "Yes, I do." Nanaw told him they were going to the bank, and he would get a sucker. He fussed a bit because he wanted to go Nanaw's house, probably to play on the computer. They stopped by Chase's house to get his retainer and the guys. Mama had arranged Tee Tee's dog family on Chase's pillow -- very cute. That's the second picture below. Mama gave Nanaw a copy of Chase's 3rd quarter report card. He got all 3s except for organizational skills (keeping his desk neat) and writing (he doesn't like to write). In her comments, his teacher said he's doing a better job of speaking up in class and participates in class and has come out of his shell. She also said that neatness and organizational skills will come in handy later in life. At the bank, Nanaw's friend gave Chase two suckers instead of just one -- one was green and one was blue. When Chase and Nanaw got to Nanaw's house, Chase had his first popsicles of the year, plus a Baby Bell and Sargento's cheese snack. Then Chase and Nanaw played with his kitchen and food and dishes. Then they did half of the easy I Spy book they checked out of the library. Chase said they'll finish it tomorrow and then he'll take it home to show Mama.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Mama said Chase played outside on Sunday, and then he and Daddy jumped on the trampoline. Baseball practice was moved to 3 p.m. so dinner was later than 5:30 because Daddy was grilling chicken wings, thighs and a breast for Mama. Nanaw got there about five and visited with Mama until Chase and Daddy got back from baseball practice. Then Chase and Nanaw played in his room on the bed. They played baseball with the guys, and it was great fun. Dinner was delicious, as always. After dinner, Mama, Chase and Nanaw did the I Spy book. Mama and Chase are really good at it -- Nanaw not so much. After that, Chase and Nanaw played a little baseball in the kitchen. Nanaw had to leave at 6:50 for her TV show at 7 -- but it wasn't on till 7:20 because of a basketball game. Nanaw was going to try L-glutamine for her sleep onset apnea to see if it helps.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house on Saturday morning while she went to the grocery store. Chase and Nanaw played with his kinetic sand for a long time, then he went to play on the computer. He told Nanaw he was able to access Prodigy on his tablet and use his membership. He was very excited about that, and he said it was faster than his computer at Nanaw's house. Nanaw saw a lady walking two Sam-looking dogs on the sidewalk outside her house. So she took of picture of them and sent it to Mama, who really liked it. Mama came back to Nanaw's house about 11, and they all had lunch on Nanaw's new deck, sitting at her new table and chairs. Then they went to the library for their noon appointment. It was very exciting to go inside the library again after it being closed for so long. Chase found a whole section of Curious George books, and right next to it were some I Spy books. So he checked out lots of books. Mama got her own library card and was excited about that. Mama and Nanaw had Chase pose in front of a tropical backdrop at the library so that Nanaw could take a picture. After the library, they went to the Dollar Tree on Lemay Ferry Road. It has a lot more toys. Mama had promised Chase that if he did well on his science test, she would take him to Dollar Tree and buy him ten things. And she did -- except it was eleven or twelve. Nanaw also ended up buying him ten things. Mama said, "Spoiled!" Later in the afternoon, Nanaw went shopping and bought an SVU magazine for Mama.

Friday, March 26, 2021

When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she asked him if he had his AR book and anything else he was supposed to bring home. He said yes. Then he started telling Nanaw about how he wanted a membership in Prodigy (an online math game that they play at school) that costs $5 a month. He told Nanaw that Andrew had a membership. He said Nanaw should ask Mama if he could get one. Chase and Nanaw stopped by his house to get his retainer and the guys. As they walked in, Chase said, "Who's going to ask Mama?" Nanaw volunteered. Nanaw asked Mama if Chase could get a Prodigy membership, and Mama said yes. Chase was so happy. Then he said he would pay for it. He ran into his room and got $5 out of his billfold and gave it to Nanaw. When they got to Nanaw's house, Nanaw signed Chase up for the Prodigy membership. He spent the rest of his time at Nanaw's playing Prodigy. Nanaw thinks it was really cute. Uncle Mike and cousin Joe came to deliver Nanaw's new deck furniture and BBQ grill.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Thursday, March 25 , 2021

Uncle Mike sent a picture of his two German Shepherds, Cheyenne and Apache, standing in front of a street sign out at Lake St. Louis. Cousin Lindsey was babysitting the pups while the insurance adjuster came to Uncle Mike's house to survey the damage from the fire. It was raining when Nanaw picked Chase up from school. He came running out of school, waving his math paper in the rain, and it got sort of wet. It turns out that he forgot his reading book for the test tomorrow so Nanaw found the story online and printed it out for him. The printer ran out of ink halfway through, and Nanaw had difficulty changing the ink cartridge but it eventually worked out. Chase and Nanaw worked on his Roblox games, and the games seem to be working. Mama said Chase had trouble studying for his test without the book. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Nanaw stopped by Chase's house before she picked him up from school, to get the guys and the retainer because Mama had a phone presentation to do at 3 p.m. Chase came running out of school waving his science test paper. He was so excited that he got 100% -- all the questions right. The teacher wrote Great Job! on the paper. He didn't do quite so well on his math test. He said he thought he missed two problems but he didn’t have the paper with him. When they got to Nanaw's house, Chase convinced Nanaw to let him play on the computer for awhile before he worked on Mama's birthday game. He did a really good job on the game, putting in 5 or 6 dogs, a music clip and Easter eggs. Unfortunately, something went wrong with the game, and Chase got an error message from Roblox about the game. So maybe he'll try again tomorrow. He had baseball practice tonight and lots of homework, so Mama asked Nanaw to do his AR reading with him. He's reading a cute book about puppies. He got a clock, timer, stop watch, etc. app from Amazon for Nanaw's tablet so that he could set the timer for the 20 minutes he's supposed to read. He read his Lily book on the way home. Mama and Nanaw are determined to make him into a reader.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her that he remembered to bring home his science book, his science notebook, math stuff and his AR book. Nanaw told him she was very proud of him. Nanaw had put a new book in her car for Chase to read as they drove around. It was titled Lily and was about a dog. They stopped by Chase's house to pick up his retainer and the guys. Mama's car was gone, and Daddy's truck was there. But Mama was there, and Daddy was gone. Daddy used Mama's car to take Grandma Pat to an appointment and then move her to the new nursing home. When Chase and Nanaw got to Nanaw's house, Nanaw had them sit on the couch with all of the guys and a blanket, and they read their books for 15 minutes. Chase had Alexa set a timer for 15 minutes. That was fun, and they'll do it again. Next, they went into the computer lab and played on the computers. Nanaw gave Chase some snacks but was careful not to give him too much to eat so that he has an appetite for his dinner.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Monday, March 22, 2021

When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she asked if he'd brought his science book, and he said no. Nanaw was going to have him go back in and get it but then he laughed and said the picture taking was during science class so the test has been postponed to Wednesday. But then he said he'd forgotten his AR book so he went back in to get that. Uncle Mike and cousin Joe were at Nanaw's house to pick up the riding mower. Uncle Mike was going to work on it. Nanaw asked them to put the deck table and chairs on the lower deck. She's going to buy new furniture for the upper deck. After Uncle Mike and cousin Joe left, Chase asked if he could have the snacks Nanaw put out for them in with him by the computer. Nanaw put some of them in small bowls for Chase. She forgot he gave up candy for Lent and she gave him red licorice but he didn't eat any. Mama wants Nanaw to not give Chase too many snacks in the afternoon so that they don't spoil his appetite for dinner. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Mama texted Nanaw that Chase threw up after baseball practice on Sunday afternoon. She said that he and his friends were playing on the merry-go-round at the big park, and Chase said that was why he threw up. Later, after dinner, he told Mama and Nanaw that he also fell off the merry-go-round but that he was okay except for a hurt knee. Nanaw went over to Chase's house Sunday evening for a pot roast dinner. Chase cleaned his plate and said he was still hungry so Mama gave him more carrots. After dinner, Chase wanted to go outside and play but Mama and Daddy said he should stay inside because of throwing up. After she cleaned up the kitchen, Mama got her crossword puzzle book and sat at the kitchen table to work on a puzzle. She suggested that Chase get the hidden pictures book and work on it with Nanaw. So that's what they did, and it was fun. Next, they went into Chase's room to make Chase's bed, which was completely destroyed. Nanaw did part of it, then Mama finished it up. Then Chase and Nanaw went into the living room and played with Chase's toy soldiers and the Mario guys. He pretended like the Gascar chair was the Titanic and threw everybody in the water. Then everybody got attacked by lava. Daddy asked if anybody wanted ice cream, and everybody said yes so he went to Dairy Queen. Mama and Nanaw had hot fudge sundaes with whipped cream and pecans, and Daddy and Chase got blizzards or concretes. It was a wonderful evening.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Nanaw got a double dose of Chase on Saturday. In the morning, Mama brought Chase over to Nana's house while she went to the grocery store. Nanaw got out the science kit she gave Chase at Christmas. They did two polymer bead experiments. They put polymer beads in test tubes with water to watch the beads get bigger from absorbing the water. In the second experiment, they put the multicolored polymer beads in a bowl and then added blue food coloring. Eventually, all the different colored beads turned blue. Then they went to the computer lab and Nanaw played the sonic game that Chase created. Somehow her Aspenhof avatar lost her head. Mama says that happens to her sometimes when she plays Roblox. In the afternoon, Mama called Nanaw and told her that Will suggested they have Who Dat's for dinner and that they should invite Nanaw. So Nanaw went over to Chase's house for her BBQ sundae. After dinner, everybody went outside and stood around the fire in the firepit. Chase showed Nanaw his Camwood bats that he uses to practice swinging a baseball bat. Then Mama got out the salt gun, and she and Chase tried shooting balloons and Nanaw's soda can. It was very funny.



Friday, March 19, 2021

Friday, March 19, 2021

Nanaw had her Covid vaccine shot Friday afternoon. Mama took her to the SSM building on Smizer Mill Road. Uncle Mike had planned to take her but he had a smoke fire in his shop in the basement of his house so Mama took her. Everyone's fine at Uncle Mike's; they just have a lot of smoke damage. Nanaw's shot hardly hurt at all. On the way back, Mama stopped at home to pickup Chase so he could spend the afternoon with Nanaw. They packed up the guys for Chase to bring along; this time it was the Tee Tee family but the were unable to find Backup2. Before Chase and Nanaw left his house, Mama asked if he wanted McDonald's for dinner, and Chase said no. Daddy suggested that that wasn't the way to do it. Mama should tell Chase We're having McDonald's for dinner. What do you want?" When they got to Nanaw's house, Chase snuggled on the bed with his stuffed animals. Then he wanted to play with the dentist Play Dough on the kitchen counter and watch Chase TV at the same time. Nanaw played with him and made red teeth. LOL \ Chase has baseball practice this evening so Nanaw has to have him home by 5:10.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Thursday, March 18, 2021

It was a cold, rainy, windy day, and Nanaw ran all kinds of errands in that bad weather. It was still raining a little when Nanaw picked Chase up from school. He told her they had inside recess today because of the rain. Nanaw asked him what he did at recess, and he said he played Prodigy on the Chrome book. He told me that he was at level 50; Emmalynn and Olivia are at level 60; and William is at level 70. Chase and Nanaw stopped at Chase's house to get the guys and retainer. Nanaw told Chase they were stopping by the library on their way home, and Chase wasn't very happy about that. But he read his Curious George books on the way so that was good. One of the books Nanaw picked up was Curious George Votes, and Chase read it on the way home. Nanaw has more Curious George books on request, and Chase has lots of books here and at his house so we're set for a long time for reading in the car while driving places. When they got to Nanaw's house, Nanaw gave Chase his snack of a buttered croissant, cheese cubes, a Baby Bell and chocolate milk. He played on the computer and the tablet. He also played on the tablet on the way home -- he'd already read three Curious George books so Nanaw gave him a pass.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Chase wore his Minecraft shirt today for St. Patrick's Day because it's very green. He had to make a donation of $1 to be able to dress down. He said that in computer class that day they could do free play; Chase did Prodigy, a game he plays on the Chromebook. He told Nanaw he made his character green in honor of St. Patrick's Day. On their way to Nanaw's house, Chase and Nanaw stopped at his house to get his retainer and the guys and to say hello to Mama and Daddy. At Nanaw's house, she showed him the games and things she found on the top shelf of the closet in Chase's room. There was Trouble, Operation, a Paw Patrol concentration game and a birdhouse to build and paint. Chase played with Operation and then with Trouble. Then he wanted to play under the dining room table with his little figures. Next, he asked if he could play with the tablet, and Nanaw said yes. When Nanaw took Chase home, Mama's car wasn't there but she was. She said Daddy borrowed the car to go get Grandma Pat from her transfusion. So Mama was going to take Chase to baseball practice, and she was going to drive Daddy's truck. Nanaw can't wait to hear about that.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, He was a grumpy grouch and didn't want to read the Curious George book; all he wanted was to take his Switch to Nanaw's house. Nanaw asked him where her good Chase was. He told Nanaw there was only one Chase -- sometimes he's good and sometimes he's not. LOL! Chase and Nanaw stopped at Chase's house to get the guys (pre-selected by Mama so that there were five Jacks ready to do) and the retainer. Chase finished both of the Curious George books by the time they got to Nanaw's house. Chase brought his Switch with him from his house but he didn't start playing with it right away. He and Nanaw played with all the toys strewn across the living room floor, left over from yesterday. Mama sent strawberries with Chase as a snack for him. He and Nanaw had a good time playing. When he started playing with his Switch, Nanaw sat down with him to watch him play.