Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Nanaw was very happy to spend the day with Chase even though Mama was off work. First thing in the morning, Chase and Nanaw went to Telegraph Road Walmart, where Chase saw the Christmas trees and had "bones." He’s such a wonderful shopping companion – always chatting and smiling and being most entertaining. When Chase and Nanaw got home, they did another intensive two-hour potty training session in the bathroom but Chase didn’t go at all – he held in everything for the whole two hours. But he seemed to have a grand old time watching Thomas, playing with the City Skyway and the Thomas rug. He seemed to think this was some kind of very special play session. After the potty training, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs to play with his trains. Nanaw tried to put together his Thomas TrackMaster Water Tower track but had difficulty because some of the pieces were missing – she’ll try again tomorrow. After his nap, Nanaw made a cozy little nest on the sofa in the living room for Chase with his Thomas pillow and a blanket – he seemed to like that. Chase, Mama and Daddy were going to Aunt Becca’s and Uncle Stan’s for New Year’s Eve.



Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Chase’s adventure today was a grocery shopping trip to Walmart. Chase and Nanaw couldn’t do the intensive potty training session again today because the cleaning lady was coming. But it turns out that Nanaw will have Chase tomorrow so they’ll try it again then. First thing in the morning, Chase (in his cute Thomas pajamas) decided to get his tools and work on the light-up church that Nanaw got from her five older grandchildren for Christmas, and Nanaw took lots of pictures of him doing that. At Walmart, Chase saw a display of Pez dispensers, and Nanaw saw that they had an R2D2, and she bought it for Chase. Mama is very jealous but she also thinks she may have one of her own somewhere in the house. Chase and Nanaw went to see the lit up artificial Christmas trees. Chase will miss them when they’re gone but Nanaw will tell him that they’ll be back next year. Before his nap, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs to play with his trains. He played with his new water tower, and then went ot play with his groceries. Mama is off work tomorrow but she’s going to run errands and have lunch with Aunt Becca so Chase will stay with Nanaw, and she is very happy about that. Mama says Mufasa is doing well according to the clinic but probably won’t come home until Thursday or Friday.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Monday, December 29, 2014

Chase’s adventure for today was an intense course of potty training. Chase and Nanaw spent most of the morning in Pawpaw’s bathroom with lots of toys. The idea was to give Chase the idea of potty training – Nanaw doesn’t think it really worked but she’s going to try it again tomorrow morning – this time in the downstairs bathroom because the cleaning lady is coming tomorrow. After lunch, Chase played in his high chair with the red Play Dough Nanaw bought for him, along with Nanaw’s cookie cutters. He seemed to have a great time cutting out various shapes. After his nap, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs to install Chase’s new Thomas water tower Nanaw gave him for Christmas. After Nanaw took Chase home, she went with Mama to take Mufasa to the emergency vet overnight care service. He has kidney problems and needs intravenous fluids just like three of Nanaw’s kitties: Romanian Baby, Princess and Mikayla. Mama hopes he comes home soon.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Nanaw went to visit Chase Sunday evening and to have a wonderful pot roast dinner prepared by Mama. Nanaw told Mama it was the best pot roast she’d ever had. While Mama was making dinner, Nanaw played with Chase and his trains and his grocery store scanner. Mama gave him a paper bag to pack his groceries in, and he seemed to really like it. He eventually began scanning his Thomas trains and putting them in the paper bag – very funny. After dinner, Chase, Mama, Daddy and Nanaw played with the play dough Chase got for Christmas – his first time playing with play dough at his house. He seemed to have a great time with it and mixed it altogether into a big mess. He didn’t want to stop playing with the play dough and cried but Daddy gave him some peanut M&Ms and that stopped the tears. Mama, Chase and Nanaw played the Thomas memory game Uncle Mike and aunt Becky gave Chase for Christmas, and he seemed to enjoy that also, although he ended up throwing the cars all over. He also showed Nanaw how he plays with the pizza pie puppet Mama got him for Christmas – very cute. Nanaw also took pictures of Mufasa, Sam and the ornament that Aunt Joan put on Chase’s Christmas present. Plus, Chase's cousins had their photo taken, and Robbie posted it on Facebook – great photo.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Chase’s adventure for Saturday was attending Aunt Karen’s Christmas celebration. Lots of family were there, including three little cousins for Chase to play with: Mila, Gabe and Sam. Most of the time, the kids played downstairs, and it was mass chaos. There was a lot of screaming and yelling and running and jumping on the bed. Nanaw was downstairs with them a lot of the time and when she wasn’t there, Daddy was. Chase got some really cool presents: a John Deere set with two tractors and a pickup truck from Aunt Joan; a Thomas Sodor layout from Aunt Karen; a Timothy the train and two Thomas books from cousin Nicolle. He also got a Cardinals’ jersey from cousin Nicolle that had belonged to Mila and Gabe. Aunt Karen has new little British short-haired kitty named Pippa who is very friendly and cuddly. Chase was playing with her and giving her toys to play with. The kids watched the movie The Polar Express and Chase seemed to like it. Aunt Becky said we could borrow it for Chase to watch again. All in all, it was a wonderful Christmas celebration.