Sunday, November 8, 2015

Rockbridge Weekend: Friday, November 6 thru Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Rockbridge adventure weekend got off to a "rocky" start with a sick little Chase bug. Mama and Daddy said he woke up at 3:30 in the morning and didn't go back to sleep. He slept most of the four-hour drive down to Rockbridge. Everyone but Chase ate goodies from St. Louis Bread Company in Rolla. Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky said there was supposed to be a visit with Robbie and Natalie in Rolla but they had class so the visit is going to take place on the drive back on Sunday. Mama gave Chase some Tylenol and that seemed to make him feel better, as did a yummy lunch of grilled cheese for Chase. Food is the most important thing at Rockbridge. Chase had a butterfly pancake for breakfast on Saturday and a fish pancake for Sunday breakfast. Friday night he had chicken strips, which he mostly didn't eat so Saturday night he just had an order of fries. Daddy bought Chase a stuffed fish that Chase named Frankie the fish. Daddy also gave Chase a fishing net to play with and that was the hit of the weekend. Chase put Cranky in the net, and he also kept putting it over Mama's head to catch a "Mama fish." The movie on Friday night was the Lego movie; Saturday night's movie was "Holiday Switch" a crazy movie about a woman who time travels in a dryer. On Saturday morning, Daddy "fished" with Chase -- letting him use his fish net and trying to hold a rod. It might be a couple of years before Chase really fishes. Chase slept in Nanaw's room, and Chase made her sleep with him when he first went to sleep. Mama, Sam, Chase and Nanaw had a lot of fun going for several long walks. It was a wonderful weekend that ended with a woods walk by everybody, and then a visit with Robbie and Natalie in Rolla, including a trip to Robbie's dorm room.

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