Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Mama had the day off on Tuesday, and she took Chase and Nanaw on a shopping adventure. Mama wanted to get started on her Christmas shopping and to get some ideas about what presents Chase would like for his birthday and from Santa. First, they went to Bed, Bath & Beyond. Next, they went to Five Below where Nanaw bought Mama a crock pot cookbook for Christmas and a writing nudges book for herself. Next, they went to Toys R Us. Chase immediately wanted to play on the Thomas Table (he kept calling it the track). Mama looked around and found the Thomas Table, and Chase played there for awhile. Chase saw a Star Wars storm trooper toy that he really wanted, and Mama said she would check it out to see if it was age-appropriate for him. Mama bought him a little Darth Vader figure wearing a cape and holding a Death Star. Chase was very excited about it. Walmart was their next destination. As usual, Chase wanted to see Santa and the Christmas trees. He's now added the roller coaster toy and Yoda to his list of things to look at. Their final adventure of the day was lunch at the McDonald's on Telegraph Road for more Charlie Brown toys. It's one of the McDonald's that still has a play areas. Chase has never been in one of the McDonald's play areas, and he had a grand time -- there were four little boys playing there and they all had a great time together.

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