Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Chase and Nanaw had an especially busy day on Thursday. First, Chase went to Story Time with Miss Candy at the Columbia Library. Poppy from his pre-school class was there today, and she brought a toy pet taxi with a stuffed puppy in it. Chase decided he wants one, so we'll have to put that on his birthday or Christmas list. ONe of the books Miss Candy read was Owl Babies, one of Chase's favorite books. A long time ago, Nanaw checked Owl Babies out of the Columbia library for Chase, and he loved it so much that Mama bought it for him. The craft at Story Time was making an owl using white paint and a scrubber -- Miss Candy always has the best crafts. After Story Time, Chase and Nanaw went to the bank and then to Dollar Tree, where Chase got Sally Carerra (one of the cars in Cars), a red light saber and a vest that Chase thinks has something to do with Darth Vader. Next, Chase and Nanaw went to the Train House, much to Miss Linda's delight. Chase made a craft that involved lots of cotton balls glued to a blue felt train, decorated with blue chalk and sing several tongue depressors. Chase and Nanaw's last stop was Walmart, where Chase was happy to see the singing Santa Claus and the lit-up Christmas trees.

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