Chase's Thursday adventure was going to Story Time at the Columbia Library with Miss Candy. Nanaw signed him up for the next session that starts in December. Chase seems to enjoy this Story Time more than the one at Telegraph Road Library (they're both at the same time so he can't go to both), and Miss Candy does a great job with the songs and stories and especially with the crafts. Today's craft was an owl, and Chase had fun using the glue stick. After Story Time, Chase and Nanaw went to the bank where Chase got a sucker and M&Ms. Next, they went to the car wash, the returned books to the library, and their final trip of the day was to Walmart. Walmart took out all the vending machines that have gum and candy, and Chase was disappointed not to get his bones or fishy candy. Before his nap, Nanaw gave Chase a "present," a stuffed lady bug she found on Pawpaw's book shelf (it was probably something Mama gave him.) It has a pull string that makes it vibrate, and Mama says it runs along the floor.
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