Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Chase had an out-of-the-ordinary adventure on Thursday: He went to the Columbia Library to join his Pre-K class for a library field trip. He got to see Alaina, Brady, Audrey and Andrew, plus most of the other boys and girls. Miss Annette was in charge of the program for the Pre-K students, and she did a wonderful job. She explained to the boys and girls how the library works, and then read two books to them. Next, the students picked out books to look at or to have someone read to them. Alaina found a Star Wars book that was animated, and Chase was intrigued by it. When Alaina was finished with the book, Nanaw told Chase she would check it out for him, and she did. After the library, the class went outside to play on the little playground. Chase was so excited about that. Nanaw thinks Chase had his best time ever at the little playground with his classmates. Chase wanted to stay and have lunch with his friends but Nanaw hadn't arranged for that so they came home to have lunch. Chase did some painting, some playing with bubbles (the little pumpkins Nanaw bought at Dollar Tree yesterday) and playing with the Magic Track. It was a good day for Chase and Nanaw.

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