Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday, October 6, 2016

First thing on Thursday morning, Chase played with the new water-activated fish that Nanaw bought for him at Amazon -- he had so much fun playing with them. Chase and Nanaw's adventure on Thursday was a visit to the Train House. They went to the 11:30 Creation Station session so Nanaw could get the house picked up for the cleaning lady. Miss Linda was happy to see Nanaw and Chase, and Chase was delighted to be there. Miss Linda had more new toys -- a new collection of plastic blocks and new track. Chase and Nanaw played with both of them. Miss Linda also decorated a cardboard box with pumpkins and attached a jump rope to pull it around the room. Chase gathered up all the stuffed animals and put them in the box, then pulled them around the room -- it was very cute. Nanaw went to the craft table where Miss Linda was working with some of the little boys and girls. Nanaw made a pumpkin wagon, and Chase came to help her -- and to play with the glue, which is a favorite thing of his. After the Creation Station, Chase got his popcorn and ran around the circus train display for awhile, then went to visit the caboose. On the way home from the Train House, Chase and Nanaw stopped by Dollar Tree, and Chase got more launcher cars and a Hot Wheels car. When Nanaw took Chase home, he tried on his Angry Bird costume to show Nanaw. Mama and Daddy worked on the pillows for stuffing the Angry Bird -- very funny.

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