Friday, July 13, 2018

Friday, July 13, 2018

Chase had two adventures on Friday. The first one involved water play. In the morning, Nanaw got out the hose and filled up Chase's wading pool. She also squirted him with the hose a lot. He was playing a game he invented called water hockey. Such a little sports enthusiast. Then after lunch, Nanaw had to go to a meeting at church and took Chase with her. The minister's husband Bob was there and he very kindly took on the entertainment of Chase. Bob bought Chase a Sprite and some chips, and they sat on a bench in the lobby and talked about sports. It was the cutest thing to watch. Nanaw had been worried about how Chase would react to a stranger but it worked out perfectly. In the evening, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to Culver's for dinner. Nanaw decided to have a hot fudge sundae for dinner, and it was delicious. Mama, Daddy and Chase had their regular dinners and then had ice cream for dessert. Chase was very fun and interesting at dinner, as always.

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