Thursday, July 19, 2018

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Once again, Chase didn't want to go to the Magic House on Thursday. But he promised Nanaw that they would go to the Magic House tomorrow. When Nanaw asked Chase where he wanted to go, he said Powder Valley, even though they just went there on Tuesday. Nanaw said okay, they would go to Powder Valley. Nanaw suggested that they could go to the eyeball park (Laumeier Sculpture Park) after Powder Valley. First, they made a quick trip to Dollar Tree to replace one of the little Lego figures that got broken. Amazingly enough, Nanaw managed to get out of there buying just the one figure. At Powder Valley, Chase and Nanaw did the scavenger hunt again. Chase seems to want to do it every time they go, even though they now know all the answers very well. There was a huge group of Rockwood school district boys and girls at Powder Valley so Chase made sure that he and Nanaw kept ahead of them -- it was very funny. Chase got to see his turtle friend in the aquarium again. This time the turtle was partially buried in the gravel. After they left Powder Valley, They went to Laumeier. Chase was delighted to see the eyeball sculpture, and Nanaw took his picture standing in front of it. They also looked at the big boat-looking sculpture, a huge earthmover tire and a deer. Chase decided that was enough, and said he wanted to go home. In the afternoon, they had school and it went well with the math and the reading. Nanaw is planning to continue playing school with Chase when he goes back to actual school. It's fun for her and good for Chase.

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