Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy Fourth of July! Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Mama told Nanaw that on Wednesday, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Jefferson County to buy fireworks to take to Uncle Chris's party on July 14. They also bought some sparklers for the fireworks display in the evening but never used them. Nanaw went over to Chase's house for dinner: chicken shishkabobs and corn on the cob. She also had an ice cream bar and a piece of brownie cake. Chase and Nanaw read some books, played some ROBLOX and played some hockey until it was time to go to the fireworks display at the Legion park. They met Brady and his family there and all sat together. Emma was wearing headphones so she wasn't scared by the loud bangs. Chase and Brady played with other boys and girls on one of the baseball fields until it was time for the fireworks to start. Then they came up the hill and sat on the piggy quilt Nanaw brought along. The fireworks display was absolutely awesome, and everybody had a very good time. The first photo below is from Chase's kindergarten graduation, a photo his Mama posted on Facebook; Nanaw hadn't seen the one of Chase and his teacher, Mrs. Herrmann.

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