Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

First thing Wednesday morning, Chase and Nanaw went to the post office to get postage put on something that Nanaw needed to mail. Chase told Nanaw that Sam Stingray is a boy because he doesn't have eyelashes. Evidently, that's how you tell the difference between boys and girls. Nanaw had planned for Chase to go to the water park at Sylvan Springs Park but he told Nanaw he didn’t' want to go. He said he wanted to put the fish in his wading pool and to have the Elmo sprinkler outside so that's what they did. Chase seemed to have a great time playing in the water. He washed his Big Wheels again -- very cute. He played Ninja Warrior, jumping in the wading pool, then running through the Elmo sprinkler. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw had their best session of school ever. Nanaw made a list of what workbook pages they were going to do and what books they were going to read, with check boxes to check off when they finished. It went quite well, much better than usual. Nanaw informed Chase that they are going to the Magic House on Thursday, no matter what. After Nanaw took Chase home, she went to the library and checked out two I Spy books for Chase (and Mama?): Christmas and Animals. Chase instructed Mama to tell Nanaw to add to Days of Chase that he will never like burritos! LOL!!

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