Friday, June 7, 2019

Friday, June 7, 2019

On Friday morning, Nanaw asked Chase if he would like to go to the water park play area, and he said absolutely yes. So Nanaw had him put on his swim trunks and shirt, and she packed up towels and food and drinks. The water park play area is at Sylvan Springs Park, off Telegraph Road and across from Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery where Pawpaw is. There were a lot of boys and girls there, some really small an some Chase's size. They all seemed to be having a great time running through the water sprinklers, and Chase joined in and started having lots of fun. He made friends with another little boy who seemed about his age. Chase played like crazy for an hour, then told Nanaw it was time to go home. Nanaw was delighted that she didn't have to drag him away like she usually has to when they leave places. Next time, Nanaw is going to bring some buckets and cups for Chase to play with in the water and also her Cardinals chair so she can sit in the shade. Most the benches are in the sun, and the ones in the shade are always full. Chase's swim trunks are getting a little small so Nanaw told Mama he needed new ones. Mama went to Walmart after work and got new swim trunks and swim shirt and sandals for Chase. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw did their schoolwork. Chase read his two books, then did two pages in the reading workbook and two pages in the subtraction workbook. Nanaw set the school things up for them to sit at the kitchen counter and that seemed to work really well so she'll try that again on Monday.

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