Chase was very excited about the delivery of what he calls the recliner -- the sectional couch Mama and Daddy bought for the downstairs. Mama sent Nanaw and Uncle Mike a picture of Chase reclining and looking so comfy. Everybody came over to Nanaw's house for Father's Day dinner. The only ones not there was Mike Jr. and Jon Jon, Nichole's fiancé. Uncle Mike did lots of barbecuing: chicken, pork steaks, hamburgers and hot dogs. Nanaw was glad she'd spent an hour and a half Saturday night cleaning the deck so Uncle Mike could barbecue and people could sit out there. Nanaw played Gloria while she worked on the deck, so that was fun. Chase played baseball with Daddy for awhile and spent a lot of time playing with Daddy's phone and then with Nanaw's phone. Daddy put together the windmill that Grandma Pat gave Nanaw for Mother's Day. Cousin Mike called from Okinawa to say hello to everybody. All of Uncle Mike's and Aunt Becky's kids and Uncle Mike posed for a family picture. Nanaw told Chase she didn't like the fact that she couldn't spend much time with him at these big family dinners. Chase told Nanaw that next time, he would "spend time." It was so cute. Mama took home some bones for Sam and Sylvester and sent a picture of the dogs enjoying the bones.
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