Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Chase and Nanaw stayed home on Tuesday, except for a quick trip to the cemetery late in the afternoon. Mama forgot to pack Chase's shoes for him, and he didn't want to wear his flip flops so shoeless Chase was unavailable to go anywhere. They had a long session of school, with Chase reading two Spot books (plus watching his Spot video), doing two reading workbook pages, one addition workbook page, practicing his writing and doing his spelling. Chase and Nanaw also started the typing course for kids, and Chase seemed to really like that. He played on abcmouse for the first time in a long time. He told Nanaw he was going to keep abcmouse until he was in college (LOL). Then he asked Nanaw if she would still be around when he was in college. Nanaw promised that she would be. Chase said they could still have adventures but that they would be grown-up ones. Chase played outside in the water while Nanaw watered the plants. He used his new water gun he got from Dollar Tree, and Nanaw chased after him with it -- the gun is sort of cool, and Nanaw may have to buy another one.

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