Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tuesday's adventure was a visit to Powder Valley. Nanaw has decided that Powder Valley is her favorite place they visit. She asked Chase what his favorite place is, and he said his favorite is the Zoo. I bet that's Mama's favorite place also. On the way to Powder Valley, Chase read one of his books to Nanaw: Star Wars: I Am a Droid. As usual, Chase climbed up on the big frog at then entrance to Powder Valley, and Nanaw took his picture and sent it to Nanaw. They visited all their favorite places but Chase decided he didn't want to do the scavenger hunt. He wouldn't let Nanaw come into the tree house because he said the sign said no big people allowed. (When Nanaw told Mama about that, she was very proud, and said Chase followed signs just like his Mama.) The first time Chase and Nanaw looked for their friend, the turtle who buries himself in the rocks in the aquarium, they weren't sure he was there. But the next time they looked, he had poked his head up through the rocks, and there he was. Very exciting. Chase had a baseball game on Tuesday night, and he did really well. He had five at bats with one strike-out and four hits. He also got two outs at third base. Nanaw was so proud. She's okay with him not playing soccer. He told Mama he didn't want to play soccer because he's not very good, and that's okay. He's really good at baseball, and that makes him happy.

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