Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sunday, June 23, 2019

When Nanaw got home from the little house, she went to Chase's house for a steak dinner. Before dinner, Nanaw and Chase went downstairs to play with his new field hockey stick that Daddy bought for him at their visit to Dick's Sporting goods today -- it cost $50, which is a lot for a hockey stick, Nanaw thinks. Then Daddy and Chase went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. Chase said when they got home, they played hotel downstairs. Chase said they gave invisible keys to invisible people for invisible rooms. Mama had lunch at Maggie's with her friend Charles. After dinner, Chase and Nanaw did some schoolwork with his workbook pages. Then, Chase, Mama and Nanaw played with Chase's Army guys. Then they played restaurant. Chase was the waiter, and Mama and Nanaw were the customers. Nanaw made a menu and Chase had a notebook to take orders. First he took drink orders and delivered the drinks. Then he took food orders and delivered the food. Finally, he gave them their bills and their change. It was so cute. Next, they all took the dogs for a bonus walk, and Chase rode his bike. When they got home, Chase, Daddy and Nanaw played restaurant again. Nanaw was the waiter. Daddy ordered Mountain Dew and pizza. Chase ordered green apple Fanta, a cheeseburger and fries. Nanaw forgot Chase's fries when she delivered his food, and Chase said, "What about my fries?" Very funny.

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