Nanaw went to visit Chase in Saturday morning before she went to the little house. Mama was getting ready to go to Schnuck’s for her weekly grocery shopping. Nanaw gave Mama the grocery list for Chase: frozen green beans and Go Gurt. Then Nanaw told Mama a funny story. The other day, Nanaw asked Chase what he wanted for lunch, and he said, "Green beans and peas." What little boy asks for that? So that’s what Nanaw gave him, plus chicken nuggets, applesauce and chocolate milk. Chase and Nanaw sat at the kitchen table and did their schoolwork. Chase did a page in his workbook about wr words and then a page about ei and ie words. He did two subtraction pages, colored three circles for the Columbia library reading program and wrote Let’s Go Blues in yellow and blue crayon. When they were done with the schoolwork, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs so Chase could show Nanaw the Nintendo Switch. Daddy came downstairs and told Nanaw how it works. Chase had baseball practice at noon and then the men from Home Depot delivered the new stove. In the afternoon, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Ashley's and then to Weekends Only and bought a huge gray sectional couch with three recliners. Mama took Chase's picture on the sectional.
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