Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Chase and Nanaw had a busy day on Thursday. First on their agenda was Story Time at the Columbia Library with Miss Candy. Ten boys and girls were there -- a big crowd for Story Time. Miss Candy read two books and then the boys and girls did a craft with the moon, stars, the sun and a cloud. Chase, of course, had a great time with the glue stick -- one of his favorite things. Next, Chase and Nanaw went to Powder Valley where Chase visited all his favorite displays. He played with a little blond girl in the tree house and kept saying, "Follow me," but she said no -- it was cute and funny. After visiting the Nature Center, Chase and Nanaw walked on the Tangled Vines Trail, their first trail walk of the year. After Powder Valley, Chase and Nanaw went to Walmart. Of course, Chase wanted a toy but Nanaw told him it wasn't a toy day at Walmart. Chase said, "Pretty please, with sugar," for a toy, but Nanaw held firm. The day ended with a problem. Somehow, Chase and Nanaw lost BB8 (or Baby 8, as Chase calls him). Nanaw looked everywhere with no luck. Nanaw also lost her Fitbit while looking for Baby 8 -- Mama said she would pray to St. Anthony, and right away, Nanaw found the Fitbit in Chase's R2D2 backpack. But still no Baby 8.

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