Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Chase and Nanaw spent a quiet day at home on Tuesday. Nanaw wanted to spend a lot of time playing with Chase because he'll be gone on vacation to Florida for five days -- Nanaw is really going to miss him. Chase and Nanaw did a lot of Chase's favorite things: they played with Play Dough; Chase dumped out all his mega blocks, and they built several kinds of structures (including a garage for the Cars cars and mega block vehicles. After the mega block playing, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs to play. Chase played with the Lincoln Logs and with his trains. He also kept playing the Star Wars theme on the keyboard -- very funny and very cute. Chase also watched his Star Wars movie and played with abcmouse. At the end of the day, Chase played with his Cars cars in the kitchen, racing them around and talking in that high, squeaky voice he uses when he's doing pretend playing. In the afternoon before Chase's nap, Chase and Nanaw went to Chase's house to let Sam out, at Mama's request. Nanaw gave Sam some lunch meat and took his picture to send to Mama. When Chase went home, Daddy was cutting grass and was temporarily unavailable to play with Chase so Mama stepped in to entertain Chase. Mama had Chase try on his swim vest to make sure it still fits, and it does.

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