Wednesday is cousin Robbie's 20th birthday so Nanaw posted a picture of him as a little boy on Facebook -- it's the first photo below. Chase got his special Star Wars figures from Mama this morning -- his favorite is BB8 (which he calls Baby 8). He played with them all day. When Nanaw took Chase to school, she took of a picture of him with his flower plant. Hopefully, the newsletter will tell what they planted. Maybe Nanaw will ask Ms. Merz on Friday. After school, Nanaw surprised Chase with the new Star Wars movie in his "DBD" player -- she bought it at Walmart Wednesday morning -- Chase was very excited, and he watched it on the way to the Train House. Miss Linda was happy to see Chase and Nanaw at the Creation Station. There were only about five children there so it was a quiet day. Chase went to the crafts table with Miss Linda and made a train for his Mama, all by himself, using an incredible amount of Elmer's Glue. When Nanaw took Chase home, Mama was still at the dentist but Aunt Becca came to wait for Mama -- they were going out to dinner and to the mall. Daddy was planning to take Chase to his favorite place for dinner: McDonald's!
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