Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

When Chase got to school Wednesday morning, the first thing he did, after putting his folder in the rack and his name stick on the board, was go over and water his plant with the little green spray bottle -- such a good little farmer. After school, Brady gave Nanaw and Chase his usual huge hugs. Then a precious little blond girl came over and gave Chase a hug and then gave Nanaw a hug also -- it was wonderful. Later, Nanaw asked Chase who the little girl was, and he said it was Annalyse. On the way to the Science Center for Wednesday's adventure, Chase told Nanaw he played with Andrew at school. Then Nanaw asked what the snack was and who brought it. Chase said Nicholas brought goldfish crackers and applesauce -- which means they've had goldfish crackers three days in a row. Chase had a wonderful time at the Science Center. He visited all his favorite displays and found a new one -- a system of pipes that have air running through them so that balls go through the pipes, He spent the longest time there. When Nanaw took Chase home after his nap, Mama was packing for the trip to Destin, Florida. Nanaw is going to miss the bug -- and Mama and Daddy too. Nanaw brought Sam and Tyler home to stay with her, and there was a lot of growling hissing from all the cats -- only Sam behaved himself -- except for chasing the kitties.

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