Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday, May 20, 2016

After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the Columbia Library to see if Miss Candy still had Chase's craft and firefly magnet from yesterday -- and she did! Bless her heart. That's what's so great about Columbia -- it's a good place. Next, Chase went to play on the playground next to the library. Then, Chase and Nanaw drove to Pontoon Beach to get Nanaw's emission test done. When they got home, Chase said he wanted to go on a "debenture" -- his word for adventure. Nanaw explained that they'd already gone to the playground at the park and on a long drive and that had been their Friday adventure. Chase had brought Jingle and Jingle's DVD, plus two of Jingle's books to Nanaw's house. They read the books and got Jingle to speak -- and bark. Chase got him to speak once, and he was delighted at his success. Chase wanted to watch Monsters University in his room, and Nanaw let him watch it for a little while before his night-night nap. Mama called in the afternoon to invite Nanaw over for dinner -- grilled hamburgers and corn on the cob -- delicious. For dessert, they had yummy chocolate chip ice cream -- Nanaw's new favorite. Mama baked two batches of brownies for cousin Austin's graduation party on Saturday so Chase helped break the eggs and stir the batter. Then Chase and Daddy got to lick both bowls, and Nanaw took pictures of them.

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