Saturday, February 11, 2017

Saturday, February 11, 2017

When Nanaw came to visit Chase on Saturday morning, she found that Mama wasn't feeling well. She was lying on the couch, lightheaded she said. So she decided not to go to the grocery store. Daddy was at a Khoury League meeting. He's going to be a manager of Chase's T-ball team. Brady is going to play also and might be on Chase's team. Chase would like that. Mama, Chase and Nanaw watched The Mighty Ducks movie again -- at Chase's request. Chase loves that movie. Chase and Nanaw played with his pizza, making pizza for Chase's best friend stuffed animals to eat. Chase had Nanaw read his new books to him -- a series of Noodles the dog books and another Love Monster book -- Love Monster and the Last Chocolate. It was a lot of fun for Nanaw and Chase to read all the books. Grandma Pat recommended an older Nora Roberts book to Mama. So Nanaw put the CD on request at the County Library for herself and then went to the Columbia Library to pick up a paperback of the book for Mama. In the afternoon, Chase and Daddy went out to Wentzville to visit Grandma Pat. Daddy said Chase played outside with Alexander; they played soccer and football. Chase is quite the sports fan and player. So Nanaw's job is to make sure that he loves books and reading, to go along with his sports interest.

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