Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

When Nanaw took Chase to school on Wednesday, she also took the Rice Krispies treats (it was Chase's turn for treats) and the play dough that Mama and Chase. Ms. Whitworth was very grateful for the play dough. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she asked him if he used his minion pillow at rest time, and he said yes. Then he told Nanaw that Brady told him he needed a blanket for rest time. So Nanaw asked him if he wanted to take his magic blanket to school with him on Friday, and he said yes. Then, as they were walking to Nanaw's car, he told her that he had homework. Nanaw asked what it was, and he said he had to draw a picture of his house. So Nanaw is going to let Mama take care of that. He has to color a picture of a house, draw his house, and paste a photo of himself in the open door of the picture of the house. He also has to write his address and phone number on one of the papers. On the way home, Chase and Nanaw went to the little park. Brady and baby Emma were there, along with Drew and some new children named Ben and Alexis. Silly Nanaw brought Chase's golf clubs and ball to the park for him to play with. So after playing golf hockey for awhile, the little boys started beating each other up with the clubs, and Nanaw had to take them away. When Nanaw took Chase home, the field hockey set Daddy bought for Chase had arrived, and Daddy set it up in the back yard. Chase was so excited and happy to play field hockey with his Daddy.

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