As usual, Chase was excited and happy to go to school. Nanaw asked Mrs. Herrmann what time Chase should be at school tomorrow -- it's the day of the Thanksgiving Mass and Feast. Mrs. Herrmann said the regular time is fine. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he had once again forgotten his water bottle. On the way home, they stopped at Chase's house so he could go to the bathroom. Mama was working at home but she was on the phone when they got there so they didn't get to talk to her. At Nanaw's house, Chase played for a long while with his slime -- he certainly loves that slime. He ate a roll with butter and really liked it -- he's such a bread boy. He got out all his mega blocks and dumped them all over Pawpaw's bed. He said he was building a city. Nanaw asked if she should leave them out for him to play with tomorrow, and he said yes. In the evening, Mama sent Nanaw a video of Chase coloring the cool Thanksgiving tablecloth Mama bought for him. In the video, he's singing Hallelujah -- very cute.
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