Saturday, November 25, 2017

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Nanaw got to baby-sit with Chase twice on Saturday. First, in the morning while Mama and Daddy went to the funeral of the father of Mama's friend Theresa. Chase and Nanaw went to Dollar Tree and then to PetsSmart to get a new litter box for Nanaw's kitties, then to Toys R Us so Chase could pick out toys he wants for his birthday and for Christmas. Nanaw made a list, and they had a good time walking around the toy store. Chase had a minor meltdown because he wanted some toys so Nanaw bought him a Barf thing, a package of slime and a Roblox figure. Nanaw took Chase home for awhile so he could spend time with Mama and Daddy before they went to the hockey game with Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky. Mama and Daddy dropped Chase off at Nanaw's house on their way to the hockey game. Chase and Nanaw played with his new slime, Barf and Roblox, painted a penguin ornament they bought, and then he took a bath at Nanaw's house. Then they went back to Chase's house, and he put on his pajamas. He played with Daddy's iPad for awhile, lying in his Gascar chair. Then Mama and Daddy got home, happy because the Blues won the hockey game.

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