Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sunday, November 19, 2017

On Sunday, Chase visited both of his grandmothers. In the afternoon, Chase, Mama and Daddy went out to Grandma Pat's house in Wentzville for a family party. Uncle George 's daughter Ashley was here from Wyoming for a visit. Chase had fun playing with his cousins Wesley and Alexander. In the evening, Sam, Chase, Mama and Daddy went to Nanaw's house for Uncle Mike's 52nd birthday celebration. Nanaw made fox fried chicken (as Pawpaw used to call it) for dinner, and Chase ate some and said he liked it. After dinner, Mama put together two scavenger hunts for Chase, one upstairs and one downstairs. Nanaw had gone to dollar Tree after church and bought a Santa paddle ball and a miniature pinball game with a penguin on it as prizes for the scavenger hunt. Nanaw helped Chase with the scavenger hunts by reading the clues to him. He had a great time with the scavenger hunts, and Nanaw is sure there are a lot of them in his future.

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