Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday, March 22, 2019

Chase only had a half day of school on Friday. He and Nanaw had a great adventure in the afternoon at the Science Center. When they got there, they saw that the Science Center was super crowded. Chase doesn't like when there are crowds, and he said, "We have to get rid of these people." Chase and Nanaw went to the game room first; it's Chase's new favorite place at the Science Center. To their surprise, they saw a friend of Chase's from school: Camden, who was there with his dad, little brother and little sister. Camden and his brother and Chase played with the foosball game for a long time and had lots of fun together. Chase and Nanaw stayed in the game room for a long while. Chase jumped on the floor dragon game and the floor soccer or basketball game -- Nanaw heard someone call it basketball; Nanaw had thought it was soccer but maybe it's basketball. Next, they went outside to visit the chickens. It was warmer outside than the last time they'd been there so there were more chickens outside. Chase had fun talking to them and watching two of the chickens scratching in the grass looking for food. Chase said he saw a pumpkin in the grass and leaves where they were scratching but Nanaw didn't see anything. Chase also jumped on the tree stumps outside, visited the dinosaur dig and the tornado smoke area, and lots of his other favorite displays, plus the new ones. In the evening, Mama, Daddy and Chase met Brady's family and Hunter's family at Turner Hall for the fish fry. Chase played basketball with Henry, Brady and Hunter.

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