Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Chase had lots to tell Nanaw when she picked him up from school. First, he said they should tell Mama that he didn't chew on his shirt. He was very proud of that and thought he might get points from Mama. Then he told Nanaw how he talked to two of the lunch ladies about things that he likes to eat. They all three like soda, popcorn and ice cream. Chase told them that he gave up popcorn and ice cream for Lent. They had sherbet for lunch but Chase said he didn't eat any because it's ice cream, and he gave that up for Lent. They also had broccoli for lunch; he ate it and told Nanaw it was good and he liked it. He also had chicken nuggets and noodles. On the way home, Chase and Nanaw stopped by Chase's house to let Sam and Sylvester out. Chase waited in the car and asked Nanaw to bring him a snack. Nanaw gave Sam and Sylvester lunch meat; Chase's snack was peanut butter crackers and two Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies. Chase played outside at Nanaw's for awhile; he also played in his room and on the laptop.

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