When Nanaw went to Chase's house to pick him up, she got to visit with Grandma Pat and Sylvester. He's the cutest, sweetest dog. He's not as wonderful as Sam, but close. Sylvester is very friendly, alert and active. He's always busy, always investigating things. Chase and Nanaw played hockey in the hall for a few minutes before school; Chase loves his hockey. He told Nanaw that the Blues are playing the Penguins (Chase's favorite hockey team) on Saturday at noon. Chase says he's going to watch it on TV. Mama says maybe because Aunt Becca wants to take him to the St. Patrick's Day parade in Belleville on Saturday. After school, Chase and Nanaw played on their computers in what Chase calls the computer lab -- LOL. Mama went to the Parents and Friends meeting on Monday night and texted Nanaw that Mrs. Bruton, the computer teacher, is moving to New Jersey. Nanaw is sad about that because she likes Mrs. Bruton. So does Chase. He'll be sad, too. Mama also said Brady's mom and Hunter's mom are going to the Butterfly House field day, so that will make Mama happy. Also, Mama is going to sign Chase up for another series of ice skating lessons. These will be on Monday night so Nanaw won't miss any because of board meetings.
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