Saturday, March 23, 2019

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Nanaw went to visit Chase on Saturday morning but Mama wasn't there. She had gone to Aunt Becca's house to feed Buddy and let him out. Aunt Becca and Uncle Stan are in Alabama visiting Aunt Becca's friend who had surgery. Daddy had to go work on cleaning up the baseball field, while Mama went to the grocery store. Nanaw visited with Grandma Pat for awhile, then she and Chase played hockey downstairs. Then Chase wanted to bring the big stuffed "amamals" and the little stuffed "amamals" downstairs so they could play hockey, too. Chase brought down the little ones and Nanaw made several trips to bring down the big ones. They had a lot of fun playing hockey with the "amamals" and with each other. When Mama got home from the grocery store, she and Chase and Nanaw went to Walmart. Mama wanted to buy Chase an outdoor toy. Mama bought him boxing gloves, and Nanaw bought him a big plastic golf bag with golf clubs -- that Chase and Nanaw can use to play hockey. Mama reported to Nanaw that Daddy said Chase was not good at church: He was chewing on his shirt and the pew and generally being antsy.

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