Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Nanaw used an incentive Tuesday morning to get Chase to get dressed quickly. She said he could text Nanaw if he got dressed first, and he did. Incentives work! Chase had the idea to text Mama and Nanaw; Nanaw told him they could do that after school, that it was called a group text, and she would set it up for Chase. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the Columbia library to pick up a book for Mama. They looked for a Roblox book bu the library didn't have any but Chase checked out a Pokemon book. Then they went to the Telegraph road library where they picked up another book for Mama, found another Pokemon book, and put two Roblox books on request. When they got home, they did the group texting thing. Chase even taught himself how to text a photo. He took a picture of his stuffed "amamals" lying on the futon and texted it to Mama -- what a smart little fellow he is. After he stopped texting, he played hockey in the hall.

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