Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday, March 28, 2019

When Nanaw took Chase to school, the boys and girls in his class were all very excited about their caterpillars. The caterpillars had moved to the lid of the jar they were in and had assumed the J position. Nanaw did her volunteer work with the groups later in the morning and had a wonderful time with the boys and girls. Once again, they studied butterflies. Both groups were a little better behaved, which made Nanaw very happy. Most of the kids in the groups had received rock star behavior status, except for Chase and Lizzie. Nanaw can't figure out what Chase is doing to prevent him from getting rock star behavior status. But he's her sweetheart no matter what, so it doesn't matter. Chase's kindergarten teacher from last year invited Nanaw to come her classes' chicks so after her volunteer work, Nanaw went to see the chicks. Camden's brother Emmett showed her the two chicks who had just hatched and were in the incubator. After school, Chase and Nanaw stopped at Chase's house to let the puppies out. The puppies were more interested in lunch meat than going to the bathroom. On the way to Nanaw's house, Chase told Nanaw she was the best grandma in the world and that made Nanaw cry. When Nanaw took Chase home, he wanted Daddy to set up his new hockey net downstairs so Nanaw could see it. It's a huge net with holes in it so Chase can practice his hockey shots. He really likes his new net.

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