Thursday, March 7, 2019

Thursday, March 7, 2019

When Nanaw took Chase to school on Thursday, she gave Mrs. Neff the extra stack of papers Chase came home with and told her that when Chase was cleaning up the mess on his desk, he ended up with some of Bella's papers and lots of extra stuff. We laughed at that. Today was Nanaw's volunteer day at Chase's school. She had a new little girl in the first group named Lizzie. She didn’t have two of her regulars: Cole and Evan. They learned about stars, and Nanaw had a great time. Chase is so cute when his Nanaw volunteers. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she told him that had a project when they got home: They had to find Charlie, who'd been missing all day. Chase said maybe he's hiding or maybe he's dead; Nanaw didn't know where that came from, and she didn't want to think that. Chase and Nanaw looked everywhere but couldn't find him. Nanaw used a flashlight to look, and Sidney kept chasing the light; it was very funny. Mama came over about five with Sam; Mama and Chase were calling Sam the sniffer. Sam looked everywhere but didn't find Charlie. He had a lot of fun chasing Sidney and Taylor. After Mama, Sam and Chase went home, Nanaw turned on the front porch light and the lower deck light in case Charlie got outside. Then, all of a sudden Charlie appeared at the end of the hall. Nanaw was so happy! She wishes she knew where Charlie was hiding so that this wouldn't happen again. Nanaw told the kitties that as a special treat she would let them sleep with her tonight because tomorrow is her birthday.

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