Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

Chase's and Nanaw's Monday adventure was a trip to the Science Center. The weather outside was beastly hot so it was good that the adventure was an inside one. Chase had a wonderful time playing at the Science Center. First, he looked through the glass windows on the floor of the overpass to watch the cars on the highway below. Next, he played with the little soapstone cars on the highway and bridge layout. Next, Chase and Nanaw walked around looking at all the new displays, the ones that had been under construction the last time they visited. Then they went to the dinosaur area, where Chase played in the archeological digging area for a long time. He and Nanaw also played at the dinosaur table. As usual, when it was time to leave, Chase didn't want to go -- but Nanaw promised him they would come back soon. When Nanaw took Chase home, Daddy had a surprise for him -- Daddy had filled up Chase's swimming pool, and he put out the Elmo sprinkler. Chase had a grand time splashing around, and he got both Daddy and Mama to wade around the pool with him.

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