Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tuesday's adventure for Chase was going to the APA for Tuesday Tails -- story time. Tuesday's story teller was a lady from the library. She talked about the library's reading program, and Nanaw asked her how to find out how many points Chase had so far. It turns out that he's finished with the program -- with 780 points. Yay! The library lady was an enthusiastic, expressive story teller; she did a wonderful job of engaging the children -- except for Chase. He pretty much did his own thing, playing with the stuffed animals and the carpet squares. Once again, there were lots of baby kitties, more than 20 of them, and lots of them were black. But Nanaw managed to restrain herself and didn't adopt a kitty. When Nanaw took Chase home in the afternoon, Chase said Daddy was getting him a new swimming pool and that it was blue. And lo and behold, when we arrived home, there was Chase's new blue swimming pool. It had a whale slide with a sprinkler in the whale's water hole, and Chase had a super time playing in the pool. In the evening, Mama sent Nanaw a selfie she took of her and Chase with her new selfie stick.

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