Friday, October 20, 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017

Mama had the day off from work so she took Chase to school. Then Mama and Nanaw picked Chase up. Nanaw stayed at Chase's house because everybody was going to McDonald's for dinner and then to Grant's Farm to meet Jackson and his mom and dad. Before going to McDonald's, Mama, Daddy, Nanaw and Chase went to shoe Carnival so Mama could exchange Chase's new blue Nikes for a bigger size. Chase was happy that they were going to the tunnel McDonald's. There were lots of kids there for him to play with, and he really liked that. Next, they went to Grant's Farm for its Halloween spectacular. They had to wait in a long line of cars to get in, and then in a long line of people to ride the tram. But they all had a good time in line and didn't mind the wait. Mama's best friend Auntie LaLa was there with Uncle Chris and little Will, and it was really good to see them. Everybody had such a good time looking at all the spooky, scary Halloween decorations. Chase and Jackson performed their dance routines on the porch of one of the buildings -- it was fantastic to watch. Jackson wore his Jack Skellington Halloween costume and Chase wore his Minion Halloween costume. By the end of the evening, Chase was worn out. Daddy carried him, and Chase fell asleep in Daddy's arms.

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