When Chase got to Nanaw's house on Tuesday morning, he wanted to play abcmouse so Nanaw set it up for him. He's doing really well with it. When Nanaw took Chase to school, she remembered Chase's water bottle on Tuesday so that made Chase happy. At school, there was a sign about scary suckers for a quarter but Nanaw didn't have any quarters with her so she'll remember to bring quarters tomorrow for Chase. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he fell asleep in the car on the way home. He came into the house, went to the bathroom, then lay down on Pawpaw's bed and fell asleep again. He slept until it was time for him to go home. So Nanaw didn't get to play with her buddy but he needed the rest. Nanaw cleaned off the front porch while Chase slept so that was productive. When Nanaw took Chase home, he showed Mama and Daddy the numbers addition candy corn game he brought home from school. He's getting really good with numbers also, in addition to being good with letters and words. Once again, Nanaw forgot to take pictures of Chase on Tuesday so she's using the haircut photo from Monday and a picture of her three cats in front of the fire in the fireplace. She promises to do better on Wednesday about taking pictures.
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