Chase was happy to go to school on Monday morning except for the fact that Nanaw forgot his water bottle -- an essential for Chase at school. Fortunately, Nanaw had an empty juice bottle in the car. They filled the bottle in the sink outside Chase's classroom and all was well. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, they went to the library to get books for Mama and for Chase to play. While Nanaw was selecting books for Mama, Chase played in the children's playroom. On the way out of the library, Nanaw bought Chase some fruit things out of the vending machine -- this has become one of Chase's favorite rituals -- stopping at the vending machine on the way out of the library. When Chase and Nanaw got back to Nanaw's house, Chase wanted to play abcmouse so Nanaw set it up for him and then sat with him to watch. He played with the sight words, making sentences and puzzles. He got another WOW from abcmouse, which made him very happy. When Nanaw took Chase home, Daddy was ready to take him to get a haircut. Nanaw forgot to take any pictures of Chase on Monday, so she texted Mama and asked her to send a picture of Chase's haircut. Nanaw took a picture of Sidney Crosby lying on Pawpaw's bed like a really long kitty -- then texted the photo to Mama.
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