Friday, February 16, 2018

Friday, February 16, 2018

Chase got up early on Friday so Mama gave him his favorite for breakfast: chocolate chip muffins. He still ate his banana and string cheese at Nanaw's. On the way to school, Chase and Nanaw played a spelling game. When Nanaw asked him to spell "good," Chase spelled it then said, "Sometimes "oo" is like in moon and sometime like in "good." Nanaw was surprised that he knew the difference. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the library again to pick up a book for Nanaw. Chase played in the children's room at the pretend post office. He wrote out a post card and put it in the mail box -- it was very cute. Back at Nanaw's house, he watched "Chase TV" and played with his tsum tsums and blue pellet marbles. He said they were hockey pucks and that every player had a puck. Chase, Mama and Daddy went to Aunt Maggie's for dinner but Nanaw didn't want to go -- she went to the grocery store instead. Silly Nanaw left Tee Tee in her blue library bag so they stopped at Nanaw's after dinner to pick up Tee Tee. Nanaw was still at the grocery store so she didn't get to see them.

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