Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

When Chase got to school Tuesday morning, there was lots of excitement in his classroom. There were dinosaurs hanging everywhere in the room. The boys and girls had a great time going around the room finding dinosaurs. Nanaw told Mrs. Herrmann she must have been busy, and Mrs. Herrmann said she had had a meeting after school on Monday so her daughter Avery put the dinosaurs all around the room. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the little park by the library again. But before they went, Nanaw made sure that Chase knew he couldn't have a meltdown like he did on Monday when it was time to go home. Nanaw told him that Mama and Daddy said if he cried when it was time to leave the park, he wouldn't be able to play with his tablet on Tuesday evening. Brady and Andrew were there and the three boys had a super time playing together. Nanaw got to talk to Andrew's mom, and she's a very nice person. When it was time to leave, Chase cried one tiny bit but it was all right and it was mainly because Nanaw decided to leave right when Chase was going to play basketball with Brady. The last two pictures below are from the dinner auction: the first one is Chase's artwork on the table that the kindergartners made, which sold for $1,500 to the grandparents who sold Market Place to Schnuck's and whose granddaughter is in Chase's class. The last picture is Mama posing with a bear from the auction -- and no, Mama didn't bid on the bear.

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