Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

When Chase and Nanaw got to school, they found that Mrs. Herrmann was out once again and that Mrs. Sullivan was the teacher again. Nanaw got to see Chase at his new table, the purple table. Jackson sits at the end of the table, then Chase, then William. On the other side of the table are Amelie and Stella. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her to remind him to ask for white milk on Wednesday, than chocolate or strawberry. He said Joey drinks white milk and because he loves Joey, he's going to drink white milk also. On the way home from school, Chase and Nanaw went to the library again, this time to get books for Mama. Chase did the scavenger hunt again and got another sticker. He also got Mike and Ike candy from the "bending machine" again. Nanaw asked Chase if he has a girlfriend and he said "Just Stella." Then he said "And Amelie." Nanaw doesn't think Chase knows what girlfriends are; she thinks he thinks they're friends who are girls. Mama told Nanaw that at dinner they were talking about giving things up for Lent. Chase says he's going to give up cookies and that Mama should give up chips and Nanaw should give up popcorn. Daddy is going to give up soda.

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